We don’t have a ton going on at the moment because you know… old men… life, etc… So I thought I would start posting audio/music related stuff I found interesting and this is one of those videos. Cool little video of a blind play test of three amps to see if they could determine whether the amp was a an analogue amp, a tube amp or a modelling amp. The two guys in question have played a ton of equipment ( I believe one owns the music store it’s shot at) over the last 20 years so they definitely know what they’re talking about. The results are really funny to me just because I’ve heard and taken part in many arguments about how people can definitely tell which is which…. But wait there’s one thing that’s kinda cool/funny in the video, they censor out the words “shit” with a chicken clucking… but the audio is binaural so you would swear the chicken is the room with you if you’re wearing headphones, the moment is at the 18:05 mark so strap on some cans and start a few seconds before that if you want to hear an example of that type of audio… it’s pretty cool.
Personally I use an Eleven Rack when I’m playing, and LOVE Guitar Rig for recording, but after spending a bunch of time in the studio at Centennial College recording others, I have to admit I love recording with tube amps as well. Maybe it’s the romance of heating the tubes up, picking the right mics, spending time getting the cabinets mic’ed properly and then getting the level just right on the board. The process is amazing, that said though, I still believe you can get an amazing sound with a modelling amp and this video just strengthened my resolve. Especially in a live setting, I don’t think anyone could pick up the nuanced differences between a tube amp and a properly set up good modeller…. Lemme know your thoughts 🙂